TODAY is the last day for discounted Life Membership (reduced from $2000 to $1500)

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 is the last day to submit your application and other required materials for the WBA’s Supreme Court Group Admission on May 16.

Don’t miss out on these WBA member-only benefits!

Want to Get Admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar?

The WBA is pleased to announce an opportunity for WBA Members to participate in a U.S. SUPREME COURT GROUP ADMISSION

The deadline for WBA Members to submit applications is Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

The WBA’s group admissions ceremony will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022.*

To be admitted to the Supreme Court Bar, you must:

  1. Obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the presiding judge, clerk, or other authorized official of the highest court of a State, Commonwealth, Territory or Possession, or of the District of Columbia, evidencing the fact that you have been a member of the Bar of such court for at least three years and are in good standing (Note: Electronic Certificates are available from the DC Bar:;
  2. Not have received any adverse disciplinary action or pronouncement in effect during that three-year period;
  3. Be of good moral and professional character;
  4. Have two sponsors that are members of the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court who know you personally and are not related to you by blood or marriage (Note: the WBA may be able assist with this requirement—email if you are in need of sponsors).
  5. Pay an admission fee of $200.00 (cashier’s check or money order only, made payable to “Supreme Court of the United States”)

WBA Members who are interested in participating in this extraordinary opportunity should complete the Supreme Court application for admission, located here:

IMPORTANT: Be sure to follow the instructions for completing the form, located here:

Please submit your materials to President Perkins-Norwood via:
(1-Completed application, 2-Certificate of Good Standing, and 3-a $200 cashier’s check or money order—Note, applications must be in hard copy with wet signatures—no e-signatures allowed)

UPS or FedEx for delivery by Wednesday, March 2 to:

Kendra P. Norwood
Wiley Rein LLP
2050 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036


Contact us at

*Please note the date change from May 2, 2022 to May 16, 2022.

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