Dear Washington Bar Association Members,

Pursuant to the pertinent bylaws as noted below, the 2022 WBA Nominations Committee seeks nominations for the following positions:

  • President Elect
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Additionally, the term of one (1) Board member will expire at the end of this bar year.

If you would like to apply to serve on the Board of Directors or to become an officer of the WBA, please comply with the following bylaw provisions and procedures. Please pay close attention to the DEADLINES BELOW. The Committee will abide by the bylaws and adhere to the deadlines set forth in the bylaws. The pertinent bylaw sections are set forth below.


Section 1. General Provisions: The Officers and Directors of the Association shall be elected by a majority vote of the Regular Members in good standing present and voting at the Annual Meeting, a quorum being present.

Section 2. Voting Eligibility: Individuals who are eligible to vote shall be those Regular Members who have paid their Association dues on or before April 15th. The Treasurer of the Association shall certify that those members who present themselves as voters are financially eligible.

Section 3. Nomination Procedures:

a. With the exception of the Office of President, any Regular Member in good standing may be nominated for any elective office by the Nominations and Elections Committee or by filing with the Secretary of the Association a Petition of Nomination within the prescribed time period, and consistent with Article III or IV.

b. All Petitions of Nomination must be filed with the Secretary of the Association not later than April 1st. The Secretary shall promptly forward a copy of each Petition of Nomination to the Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee after the Treasurer verifies the financial good standing of each signature on the Petition. Each Petition must contain signatures of twenty-five (25) Regular Members in good standing.

WBA Secretary: LieAnn T. Van-Tull
Email address:

c. The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall preside during that portion of the Annual Meeting set for election of Officers and Directors;

Each person or his/her designee whose name has been placed into nomination may make an oral statement for a period no longer than three minutes and/or respond to questions from the Chairperson at the Annual Meeting. In the absence of the nominated person (or his/her designee), the Chairperson may designate another person to make the oral statement.

d. Each person or his/her designee whose name has been placed into nomination may make an oral statement for a period no longer than three minutes and/or respond to questions from the Chairperson at the Annual Meeting. In the absence of the nominated person (or his/her designee), the Chairperson may designate another person to make the oral statement.

e. Voting for Association Officers and Directors shall be by secret ballot. No ballot is necessary, however, when there is no contest for a given position.

f. If there is a contest for any given position, the Nominations Committee shall prepare a nominations report identifying the Nominating Committee’s one nomination for each contested position(s). This report must be signed by the Chair of the Nominating Committee and forwarded to the President and Secretary by April 20th. Any person who is not listed on the nominating committee’s report, must notify the Chair of the Nominations Committee and the Association Secretary in writing by the second Friday of May of his/her interest and intention to seek office by filing a timely and complete Petition of Nomination with the Secretary of the Association on or before the 2nd Monday of May. A Petition of Nomination shall be considered timely and complete if the Petition contains the name of the nominee, statement of support for the nominee along with the signatures of twenty-five Regular Members verified by the treasurer to be in good standing. The Petition of Nomination shall not be considered timely and complete unless the Treasurer verifies the financial good standing of each signature on the Petition and otherwise satisfies these by-laws.

g. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall prepare ballots for all contested positions. The ballots shall be distributed at the Annual Meeting, collected and tabulated by the Committee members. The candidate with the most votes wins. The Committee Chairperson or committee member designee shall announce the names of all persons elected to an office within the Association.

h. In the event of a tie vote for any given position, the tie will be broken by “lot.”

The members of the nominations committee are:

  • Natalie S. Walker, Chair
  • Henry E. Floyd, Jr.
  • Donald A. Thigpen, Jr.

Please direct any questions regarding the nominations and election process to Natalie Walker at

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