MLK Weekend Event
The WBA is pleased to join the NBA in partnering with the King Family and more than 100 civic organizations, to insist that the U.S. Senate pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act with all deliberate speed by participating in a Peace Walk for Voting Rights on the 2022 MLK Holiday, Monday, January 17, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in Washington, DC – (

Congratulations to our Board Member and WBA Past President, Nicole Austin-Hillery, on her selection as the new President and CEO of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF). The official press release is available here:
The CBCF plays a critical role in advancing the interests of the global Black community. No doubt, Nicole is the right woman to lead the charge.
We wish her all the best and much success in your new position. We are proud to call her one of our own.

WBA Supported Events
Given the ongoing and recently heightened concerns about COVID-19, the WBA regrets not having an opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in our traditional fashion. We take seriously the health and safety of our members, friends, and guests, and will always take the necessary precautions to safeguard everyone in attendance at WBA events.
Despite this disappointing turn of events, the WBA fully supports and encourages members and friends to participate in the District of Columbia’s official MLK virtual events, listed below. Donations on behalf of the WBA have been made in support of the District’s programming.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support of the WBA.

Law Student Networking Reception
on February 17, 2022*
hosted by Hogan Lovells
*Please note the date change to February 17, 2022.

WBA Membership
Don’t forget to register in the WBA’s new membership management platform! Member 365.
As a reminder, the WBA bar year runs from September to June, and our dues structure has been realigned to adhere to the bar year calendar. Dues collection for the 2021-2022 bar year began last month, in September and will be applicable through June 2022.
If you know others who may be interested in establishing or renewing membership in the WBA, please forward this email to them.
We look forward to enhancing your WBA membership experience through Member365.
Thank you in advance for your support of this important transition.
Questions? Please contact us at

Unsure which membership category applies to you? Click HERE for descriptions.
DC Refers
DC Refers was created to increase access to justice for people of modest means in the District of Columbia. Many people in the District of Columbia earn too much to qualify for free legal services from pro bono lawyers or nonprofit legal aid providers, but do not earn enough to afford the rates that most lawyers charge for their services. People whose income falls between 200-400% of the federal poverty guidelines often have limited or no option to obtain legal assistance. We seek to fill that justice gap.
DC Refers invites lawyers with at least two years of experience in their practice area to apply to join our online directory of reduced fee lawyers. Attorneys who join our directory are not required to accept any particular client referral. But if they do accept a client who qualifies for a reduced rate, the lawyer may not charge the client more than $150 per hour. Of course, clients who do not qualify for a reduced rate may be charged the attorney’s normal rate.
If you know someone who would benefit from our services, please share our fliers in English or Spanish.
To learn more about DC Refers or join our directory visit our website or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin,
Job and Mentorship Opportunities
The Washington Bar Association, Inc. (WBA) is pleased to share the following opportunities, and we encourage you to share this information with others who may be interested.
- Housing Justice Counsel – The Washington Lawyers’ Committee
- Housing Justice Organizer – The Washington Lawyers’ Committee
- Manager of Public Sector Recruitment – Georgetown Law Office of Public Interest and Community Service
- Career Counselor – Georgetown Law Office of Public Interest and Community Service
- DCOHC Grants – 2022 Applications are open
- Managing Attorney – UDC Law Clinical Program
- 2022 Congressional Fellowship Program
- Legislative Counsel – Office of Councilmember McDuffie
- Various Positions – Department of Health and Human Services
- Graduate Teaching Fellowship -The Social Enterprise & Nonprofit Law Clinic at Georgetown Law
- Various Positions – Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
- Various Positions – DC Office of Attorney General
- Street Law Graduate Teaching Fellowship – Georgetown University Law Center
- Assistant Dean for Career Services – Howard University Law Center
- D.C. Office of the Attorney General Social Justice Section – Housing Enforcement Trial Attorney
- Covington – Pro Bono Attorney
- Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia – Various Positions
Every donation – no matter the amount – is extremely valuable to the Washington Bar Association. Your contribution will help the WBA support professional development and address the related needs of Black lawyers in the District of Columbia, while furthering our commitment to social justice and advocacy efforts on behalf of the Black community.