Dear WBA Members and Friends,
I could not let the month of April pass without penning a President’s message, albeit brief.
April has been a whirlwind as we’ve worked to put the final details in place for our upcoming 2022 Law Day Dinner on next Saturday, May 7. The WBA and WBA Educational Foundation (WBAEF) are truly looking forward to bringing this time-honored tradition back as an in-person event, following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have had an overwhelming response to the return of the WBA/WBAEF Law Day Dinner. Tickets and sponsorships were sold out within weeks, and more than a month in advance of the event. Many thanks to the WBA’s loyal members and friends, as well as our generous sponsors for such an amazing outpouring of support! The Law Day Committee, co-chaired by WBA Past President Henry E. Floyd, Jr. and WBAEF President Charlyn Stanberry, has been working tirelessly over the past several months, and especially during the month of April, to ensure that this year’s Law Day Dinner is an evening of elegance and excellence for all in attendance to enjoy. Words cannot express my gratitude for all their hard work.
I know many in the WBA community are excited to witness the conferral of the Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit onto our illustrious honorees of the evening, Paulette Brown, Esq. and Dr. Genna Rae McNeil. The Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit is the WBA’s highest honor, and it is being bestowed on two highly-deserving recipients for 2022. We will also proudly present scholarship awards during the program to three incredibly talented law school students: Ms. Odunayo Durojaye , a student at Georgetown University Law Center; and Mses. Dionne Dillard and Tonya Harris, both students at the University of the District of Columbia Law School.
We look forward to seeing those of you who will be able to join us next Saturday for Law Day 2022. But even if you cannot attend this year’s Law Day Dinner, you can still support the WBA and WBAEF through a “Friend of the WBA” donation of $100 or more, which will be acknowledged in the Law Day program booklet. Click here to donate and explore our website to learn more about the WBA and WBAEF programs your donations are used to support.
In closing, I would like to congratulate all the recently announced nominees for WBA leadership positions during the 2022-2023 bar year: Ms. LieAnn Van-Tull for President-Elect; Mr. Joshuah Turner for Vice President; Mr. Daniel Joseph for Treasurer; Ms. Sakinah Tillman for Secretary; and Mr. Edward Fultz for Board Member at Large. I have full confidence that these nominees, as well as the continuing Board Members, will serve the WBA well next year under the leadership of current President-Elect Dionna Lewis. My sincere thanks to the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, Past President Natalie Walker and the other dedicated members of the Committee, Past Presidents Donald Thigpen and Henry Floyd. I am also pleased to report that the WBA has endorsed one of its own for President of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia, WBA member, Charles R. Lowery, Jr. DC Bar elections will take place through June 1, so be sure to cast your votes.
June 1 is also the date of the WBA’s Annual Meeting and Conference, including the Dr. J. Clay Smith Equal Justice Lecture, the Class of 2022 WBA Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and the swearing-in ceremony for our new officers and directors. Presidential awards as well as the inaugural John H. Hairston Vanguard Award will also be presented during the Annual Conference. So please save the date of June 1 and stay tuned for more information on the Hall of Fame and Vanguard Award criteria, the award nomination process, and other important details.
Until next time, onward and upward!
Onward and upward!

Kendra Perkins Norwood
Washington Bar Association
Every donation – no matter the amount – is extremely valuable to the Washington Bar Association. Your contribution will help the WBA support professional development and address the related needs of Black lawyers in the District of Columbia, while furthering our commitment to social justice and advocacy efforts on behalf of the Black community.