The WBA has several standing and special Committees that provide opportunities for members to get more involved, and make valuable contributions to the organization. Committee involvement is also a great way to develop and demonstrate your leadership skills. The WBA’s standing Committees are described below. If you’re interested in joining a Committee, please send an email to to express your interest.


The Legislation Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Board regarding proposed legislation of interest to the Association and such other matters as assigned by the Board.

The Budget Committee shall study and provide a proposed budget for each fiscal year for the Association. The Treasurer shall chair the budget committee.
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be responsible for overseeing and executing the procedures for the election of Association Officers and Directors in accordance with Article V hereof. The President shall appoint three Regular Members in good standing to the Committee. The names of those members appointed to the Committee shall be published not later than March 15th of each year.

The Judicial Selection and Evaluation Committee shall be appointed by the President. This Committee shall advise the Membership of judicial vacancies in the courts of the District of Columbia and, may submit to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors the names of persons to be recommended for appointment to such judicial office. The Judicial Selection and Evaluation Committee shall, from time to time survey the Membership or otherwise identify members of the Association for appointive office. The Judicial Selection and Evaluation Committee shall also have responsibility for other matters pertaining to the Judiciary, including but not limited to, the evaluation of judicial performance.

The Membership Committee shall be charged with the responsibility annually for developing and implementing a plan for sustaining and increasing the membership of the Association. The Committee shall perform such additional tasks as determined by the Board of Directors or the President.

The Committee shall develop and maintain relations with the community through programs, forums or other activities deemed appropriate on various aspects of the law. The Committee is further charged with developing and maintaining a program to increase the knowledge, understanding and interest of youth regarding the role and function of law in our society.

The Professional Ethics Committee shall review all ethical matters involving members of the Association with a focus on maintaining the integrity of the Association. The Committee may also review relevant developments regarding legal ethics and professional responsibility and make recommendations to the Board regarding them.

The Student Affairs Committee shall develop and coordinate the Association’s services for its law student members. The committee will coordinate the Annual Career Fair; work with the Washington Bar Association Educational Foundation to identify topics for the Charles Hamilton Houston Scholarship (CHHS) and the

Chief Judge Eugene Hamilton Scholarship (CJEHS), and select CHHS and CJESH scholar recipients. The committee will also establish and administer a mentor/mentee program and other such programs and activities as necessary to support our law student members.

The committee will develop and publish the publication of the WBA Equal Justice Newsletter; create, develop and maintain WBA brochures and templates for flyers; develop and maintain the WBA website, Listserv, Facebook, and Linkedln web pages and otherwise manage external communications, marketing and public relations on behalf of the Association.

The Audit Committee shall review the books annually and be aware of the expenditures and income throughout the year and render a final report at the end of the bar year.