WBA Upcoming Events
Mid-Year General Body Meeting & Networking Reception
Thursday, February 8, 2024
6:00 pm at
George Washington University Law School
(Faculty Conference Center – 5th Floor)
2000 H Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
Please make plans to attend the Washington Bar Association’s mid-year General Body Meeting and Networking Reception. The meeting will include updates on the state of the WBA, as well as information on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.
A Networking Reception for WBA members and law students from local law schools (American, Catholic, GW, Georgetown, Howard, and UDC) will immediately follow the General Body Meeting. Come share your experiences and insights on how to succeed in the legal profession with the next generation of lawyers.
RSVP below by February 6.
The 2024 Annual Career Fair
Saturday, February 20, 2024
10:00AM – 2:00PM
Georgetown University Law Center
McDonough Hall, 600 New Jersey Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20001
- Still looking to connect with legal employers from law firms, as well as government agencies, corporations, and members of the judiciary?
- Did you miss any Fall Recruitment events?
- Information about starting your career while in law school or post-law school?
Join us at the WBA and WBAEF’s 2024 Annual Career Fair on January 20, 2024 at the Georgetown University Law Center.
The 2024 Annual Career Fair seeks to provide opportunities to law students and recent law graduates to connect with employers in the legal profession. Employees may be hiring clerks, interns, and entry-level associates…and even information to jump start your application for the employer’s next recruitment cycle!
The Job Fair also includes a Career Panel Discussion and Recruitment Coaching, such as Mock Interviews and Resume Reviews. These discussion, coaching, and networking opportunities are invaluable! Register to be a part of this amazing event!
The Washington Bar Association, Inc. is partnering with the DC Bar Pro Bono Center’s Advice & Referral Clinic.
Volunteer to assist with providing free legal advice on D.C. and federal civil matters.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Bread for the City
1700 Marion Barry Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20020.
10am – 12pm
The only requirement is that the lawyer be licensed and in good standing in at least 1 U.S. jurisdiction

Volunteers Needed for Mock Interviews and High School Application Night!
Stuart-Hobson Middle’s School Mock Interview and High School Application Nights will be held on
- Wednesday, January 24th from 6:00-pm – 7:30pm
- Tuesday, January 30th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Middle school students (8th grade students) have over 25+ public and charter high schools in Washington, DC to which they can apply, in addition to the private school options across the DMV. Many of these schools have extensive application processes that include essay writing, interviews, auditions, etc. Students are in need of assistance to practice their interview skills. The high school interviews will be the very first interview experience for most students. Stuart-Hobson Middle School is seeking 3-5 volunteers for each event who can assist with conducting mock interviews with students and providing them with feedback to enhance their interview skills.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ms. Schimmerling, guidance counselor at jessica.schimmerling@k12.dc.gov (cc secretary@washingtonbar.org so that we can note the WBA’s volunteers).
Save the Date!
2024 Annual Law Day Dinner
Saturday, May 4, 2024
6:30PM – 10:00PM
Salamander Washington D.C.
Please join the Washington Bar Association, Inc. (WBA) and the Washington Bar Association Educational Foundation, Inc. (WBAEF) for our signature black-tie event – the Annual Law Day Dinner – on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at the Salamander Washington D.C., located at 1330 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024, beginning at 6:30 in the evening.
The highlight of the Annual Law Day Dinner is the conferral of the highly coveted Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit – the Washington Bar Association, Inc.’s highest honor – on the prestigious honorees of the evening, who, through their life’s work, have consistently demonstrated a commitment to Houstonian principles.
Our 2024 recipients of the prestigious Charles Hamilton Houston Medallion of Merit are Valerie Jarrett, former Senior Advisor to United States President Barack H. Obama, Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of the Barack Obama Foundation, Board Chair of Civic Nation, and Co-Chair of the United States of Women, and another surprise history-making honoree. These remarkable trailblazers have distinguished careers that have exemplified stellar leadership, a firm commitment to diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, and dedication to our organization’s mission of “Equal Justice Under Law.”
The 2024 Law Day Dinner promises to be an incredible evening of legal excellence that you will not want to miss. The event will begin with a VIP cocktail reception for sponsors, dignitaries, and other distinguished guests. The program and a formal dinner will follow, and the event will conclude with our much-anticipated dessert reception and live entertainment.
Sponsorships and individual tickets may be purchased at the link below or the WBA’s website (www.washingtonbar.org). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the 2024 Law Day Dinner Chair, Henry E. Floyd, Jr., at HFloydEsq@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support of the Washington Bar Association, Inc. and the Washington Bar Association Educational Foundation, Inc. We look forward to seeing you at the Salamander on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Additional Opportunities

DC Refers
DC Refers was created to increase access to justice for people of modest means in the District of Columbia. Many people in the District of Columbia earn too much to qualify for free legal services from pro bono lawyers or nonprofit legal aid providers, but do not earn enough to afford the rates that most lawyers charge for their services. People whose income falls between 200-400% of the federal poverty guidelines often have limited or no option to obtain legal assistance. We seek to fill that justice gap.
DC Refers invites lawyers with at least two years of experience in their practice area to apply to join our online directory of reduced fee lawyers. Attorneys who join our directory are not required to accept any particular client referral. But if they do accept a client who qualifies for a reduced rate, the lawyer may not charge the client more than $150 per hour. Of course, clients who do not qualify for a reduced rate may be charged the attorney’s normal rate.
If you know someone who would benefit from our services, please share our fliers in English or Spanish.
To learn more about DC Refers or join our directory visit our website https://dcrefers.org/ or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin,
Every donation – no matter the amount – is extremely valuable to the Washington Bar Association. Your contribution will help the WBA support professional development and address the related needs of Black lawyers in the District of Columbia, while furthering our commitment to social justice and advocacy efforts on behalf of the Black community.